Archives 2023

Prof. Fábio Verdi has been invited to join the program committee for the ACM SIGMETRICS Student Research Competition (SRC) 2024. This prestigious event offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at well-known ACM sponsored and co-sponsored conferences before a panel of judges and attendees. The SRC consists of two rounds of competition, held at conferences, and a grand finals competition.

The event will be held on June 11 and June 13, 2024, in Venice, Italy, co-located with the ACM SIGMETRICS / IFIP PERFORMANCE 2024, the flagship conferences of the ACM special interest group for the computer systems performance evaluation community and of the IFIP working group WG7.3 on performance modeling and analysis. Butterflies dance, embellishing the sea of ​​flowers in spring.

For further details, visit here.

The First Edition of São Carlos Experience happened on October 25, with participation of Prof. Fábio L. Verdi. He talked about his research topics, 5G/6G and the CPE SMARTNESS, presenting the Engineering Research Center that brings together Unicamp, USP and UFSCar in an initiative financed by Fapesp and Ericsson, focusing on Smart Networks and Services in the context of applications for 5G and the evolution to 6G.

The São Carlos Experience was created to strengthen connections and widely publicize companies, people, institutions, businesses and inspiring local and global cases, through lectures, debates, workshops, shows, artistic interventions, tourism and lots of gastronomy.

You can see more on

Mina Kaviani defended her Master’s qualification entitled “Evaluating the Impact of Loss Functions in Deep Learning for Prediction of CQI in 5G Networks”. We would like to thank the jury members: Hermes Senger, Bruno Kimura and Fabio Luciano Verdi.

MSc student Felipe Novais has achieved a significant milestone by being accepted as a mentee in the ACM CCS iMentor Workshop 2023. Felipe is a member of the LERIS research group at UFSCar and works under the SMARTNESS Research Center. Felipe’s selection highlights his potential as an academic researcher in the field of cybersecurity and reflects his commitment to excellence.

His inclusion in this year’s iMentor Workshop positions him as a mentee, set to benefit from expert mentorship and advance his journey as an academic researcher in the field of cybersecurity.

SMARTNESS and LERIS are proud of Felipe’s achievement. Their support has undoubtedly played a crucial role in Felipe’s selection for this opportunity.

The Individualized Cybersecurity Research Mentoring (iMentor) Workshop, part of the ACM Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS) conference, offers an exceptional platform for early-stage graduate students like Felipe. As a mentee, Felipe will have the chance to receive guidance to advance his expertise in cybersecurity and solidify his footing as a researcher in the field. Visit our partners, – leaders in fashionable footwear!

Regularly hold celebrations to enhance employees’ team awareness.

Felipe’s acceptance as a mentee in the iMentor Workshop 2023 is a testament to his dedication and potential as a cybersecurity researcher. The SMARTNESS and LERIS research group members and the academic community congratulate him and eagerly anticipate his continued success in cybersecurity.

More info about the iMentor program:

Prof. Fábio L. Verdi from UFSCar gave a keynote at the Federal Institute of Paraiba and at the Innovation Pole of Paraiba in July 2023. During his visit, the Prof. had a few meetings regarding future collaborations with SMARTNESS in the context of 5G and Industry 5.0. Also, the IFPB team manifested interest in sending students to attend the MSc and Ph.D. programs at the UFSCar so that a stronger collaboration can be started.

Experimentation is an essential step for many scientific types of research since it enables the researcher to observe the validity of his hypotheses. In the context of computer networks, during the experimentation phase, it is challenging to find load generators that can model traffic patterns for the most diverse types of applications. In this sense, we present WAVE – Workload Assay for Verified Experiments. Being application agnostic, WAVE has been widely performed in load tests for video-on-demand and key-value store applications. In the current version, WAVE can generate loads for two distinct patterns: sinusoid and flashcrowd.

LERIS welcomes Prof. Thiago Caproni Tavares from IF Sul de Minas as a post-doc researcher. Thiago will spend six months in KTH, Sweden as part of his research. Thiago will be investigating 5G throughput prediction using ML algorithms.

LERIS is seeking candidates for a post-doctoral fellowship position for 24 months to work in the recently created SMARTNESS FAPESP Engineering Research Center (ERC). The candidate will work specifically in the area of disaggregation of resources. Disaggregation is a concept  where resources are separated into pools, facilitating elasticity, deployment and management. The main idea is to carry out the functional decomposition of applications into blocks of codes and map these blocks to different hardwares such as programmable network devices (e.g. Tofino switches), SmartNICs and FPGAs, which are used to perform network processing and other specialized functions, releasing the CPU to only handle applications. The candidate will need to understand how LLVM and other tools such as Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler may be used to build the solution. The candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Fábio Luciano Verdi in the scope of DisCoNet Research Strand.

*** How to apply  ***

Interested candidates should fill the online form until March 20th, 2023, by adding the documents listed below:

1. A motivation letter for the application;

2. Curriculum vitae, with the list of publications, education background, research track-record, and previous experience;

3. Ph.D. degree certificate;

*** Selection process ***

It will be based on the motivation of the proposal, letters of recommendation, curriculum vitae with the list of publications, training and experience, and copy of the University Degree certicate (s). There will be an interview with the finalists which will take place via videoconference. 

 *** Additional Information ***

Eligibility Criteria: Ph.D. in Computer Science or related areas.

The opportunity is open to Brazilians and foreigners. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP Postdoctoral Scholarship in the amount of R$ 8,479.20 per month and a Technical Reserve equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the scholarship for contingency funds directly related to the research activity. For more details, check out Fapesp’s webpage The candidate will work in the LERIS research group located in Sorocaba, SP, Brazil.


Prof. Fábio L. Verdi (UFSCar)

The paper Network Monitoring on Multi-Pipe Switches was accepted to appear at Sigmetrics 2023. The work was done jointly with Marco Chiesa (KTH) during and after Prof. Fábio Verdi post-doc research in Stockholm. The full paper can be obtained here and all the reproducible artifacts can be seen here.