Mina Kaviani defended her Master’s thesis entitled “Evaluating the Impact of Loss Functions in Deep Learning for Prediction of CQI in 5G Networks”. We would like to thank the jury members: Hermes Senger, Bruno Kimura and Fabio Luciano Verdi.

Mina Kaviani defended her Master’s thesis entitled “Evaluating the Impact of Loss Functions in Deep Learning for Prediction of CQI in 5G Networks”. We would like to thank the jury members: Hermes Senger, Bruno Kimura and Fabio Luciano Verdi.
Thiago Henrique defended his Master’s thesis entitled “Detecting Heavy Hitters globally in multi-pipes programmable devices”. We would like to thank the jury members: Alberto Egon Schaeffer Filho, Paulo Ditarso Maciel Júnior and Fabio Luciano Verdi (UFSCar).
Felipe Novais defended his Master’s thesis entitled “Aludel: Transparent Crypto-Offloading for Enhanced Legacy Application Security”. We would like to thank the jury members: Marco Aurelio Amaral Henriques (UNICAMP), Christian Rodolfo Esteve Rothenberg (UNICAMP) and Fabio Luciano Verdi (UFSCar).
Mina Kaviani defended her Master’s qualification entitled “Evaluating the Impact of Loss Functions in Deep Learning for Prediction of CQI in 5G Networks”. We would like to thank the jury members: Hermes Senger, Bruno Kimura and Fabio Luciano Verdi.