Andre Beltrami defended his PhD thesis entitled “Slice Elasticity Architecture (SEA): Definition, Implementation and Integration”. Thanks for the jury: Cristiano Both, Rodolfo Villaça, Luiz Bittencourt and Paulo Matias.

Andre Beltrami defended his PhD thesis entitled “Slice Elasticity Architecture (SEA): Definition, Implementation and Integration”. Thanks for the jury: Cristiano Both, Rodolfo Villaça, Luiz Bittencourt and Paulo Matias.
The undergraduate student Mateus Bragatto got a FAPESP scholarship for one year. Mateus will investigate the usage of In-band Network Telemetry (INT) to collect metrics from multiple logical queues in tofino switches.
The Student Travel Grants (STG) by IFIP goes to Leandro Almeida, speaker of the full paper: “iRED: Improving the DASH QoS by dropping packets in programmable data planes” at the 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management, which happened at Thessaloniki, Greece. This work was a collaboration between researchers from Brazil (IFPB, UFSCar, and UFU) and the Netherlands (UvA).
The demonstration entitled Improving the DASH QoS by dropping packets in programmable data planes was accepted for presentation at IEEE Global Communications Conference 2022. Congrats to the LERIS team.
Today, Gustavo Venancio defended his master thesis whose title is: InFaRR: An algorithm for fast re-routing in programmable data planes. Congrats to Gustavo and thanks to the Jury, Profa. Yeda Venturini (UFSCar) and Magnos Martinello (UFES). More about Gustavo´s work in this paper published at SBRC 2022 (in portuguese).
The PhD student Leandro will spend 8 months at the University of Amsterdam in the Multiscale Networked System group under the supervision of Profa. Chrysa Papagianni.
Congrats to @Leandro (PhD student) for having his work accepted at IEEE CNSM 2022.